Cycling Routes Costa Brava:
Germans Sabat to Rocacorba

Rocacorba is at the top of the highest mountain (Puigsou) in the province of Girona.

The route starts in Germans Sabat, a district of Girona (north west of the city centre).

It is a steep approx 14 km road. Great views from the top.

How to Get to Rocacorba from Girona

  • Head north west out of Germans Sabat on the GIV-5312 (Carretera de Taiala).
  • Crossing under the A-7 you will shortly pass through the village of Taiala (approx 2 km from Germans Sabat).
  • After another approx 2.5 km the road forks. Take the left fork on to the GIV-5313. In the direction of Montcal.
  • Carry on through Montcal. After 3 km you will pass the couple of houses and a church that make up Adri (there is a restaurant here!). Continue on for another approx 3 km and then take the next road on your right (opposite a farm house) towards Rocacorba.
If you want to keep going - carry on past Rocacorba and join the route to Banyoles.

Costa Brava Biking Routes Map

All the biking routes are on the same map, so you need to click on the larger map link below to open the map to find the route you are interested in.

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Other Bike Routes in Catalunya

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  • The Greenways - biking trails that follow old disused railway routes

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